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General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_PCI_GOBIOS has multiple definitions:

BIOS found in arch/x86/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_PCI_GOBIOS:

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BIOS found in arch/m32r/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_PCI_GOBIOS:

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On PCI systems, the BIOS can be used to detect the PCI devices and determine their configuration. However, some old PCI motherboards have BIOS bugs and may crash if this is done. Also, some embedded PCI-based systems don't have any BIOS at all. Linux can also try to detect the PCI hardware directly without using the BIOS.

With this option, you can specify how Linux should detect the PCI devices. If you choose "BIOS", the BIOS will be used, if you choose "Direct", the BIOS won't be used, and if you choose "Any", the kernel will try the direct access method and falls back to the BIOS if that doesn't work. If unsure, go with the default, which is "Any".

BIOS found in arch/i386/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_PCI_GOBIOS:

Help text


BIOS found in arch/sh/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_PCI_GOBIOS:

Help text

On PCI systems, the BIOS can be used to detect the PCI devices and determine their configuration. However, some old PCI motherboards have BIOS bugs and may crash if this is done. Also, some embedded PCI-based systems don't have any BIOS at all. Linux can also try to detect the PCI hardware directly without using the BIOS.

With this option, you can specify how Linux should detect the PCI devices. If you choose "BIOS", the BIOS will be used, if you choose "Direct", the BIOS won't be used, and if you choose "Any", the kernel will try the direct access method and falls back to the BIOS if that doesn't work. If unsure, go with the default, which is "Any".



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