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CONFIG_PINTx_REASSIGN: Reprogram PINT Assignment

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_PINTx_REASSIGN has multiple definitions:

Reprogram PINT Assignment found in arch/blackfin/mach-bf609/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_PINTx_REASSIGN:

Help text

The interrupt assignment registers controls the pin-to-interrupt assignment in a byte-wide manner. Each option allows you to select a set of pins (High/Low Byte) of an specific Port being mapped to one of the four PIN Interrupts IRQ_PINTx.

You shouldn't change any of these unless you know exactly what you're doing. Please consult the Blackfin BF60x Processor Hardware Reference Manual.

Reprogram PINT Assignment found in arch/blackfin/mach-bf548/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_PINTx_REASSIGN:

Help text

The interrupt assignment registers controls the pin-to-interrupt assignment in a byte-wide manner. Each option allows you to select a set of pins (High/Low Byte) of an specific Port being mapped to one of the four PIN Interrupts IRQ_PINTx.

You shouldn't change any of these unless you know exactly what you're doing. Please consult the Blackfin BF54x Processor Hardware Reference Manual.



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