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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_PMAC_PBOOK
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_PMAC_PBOOK:
This provides support for putting a PowerBook to sleep; it also enables media bay support. Power management works on the PB2400/3400/3500, Wallstreet, Lombard, and Bronze PowerBook G3 and the Titanium Powerbook G4, as well as the iBooks. You should get the power management daemon, pmud, to make it work and you must have the /dev/pmu device (see the pmud README).
Get pmud from <>.
If you have a PowerBook, you should say Y here.
You may also want to compile the dma sound driver as a module and have it autoloaded. The act of removing the module shuts down the sound hardware for more power savings.
The configuration item CONFIG_PMAC_PBOOK:
This provides support for putting a PowerBook to sleep; it also enables media bay support. Power management works on the PB2400/3400/3500, Wallstreet, Lombard, and Bronze PowerBook G3 and the Titanium Powerbook G4, as well as the iBooks. You should get the power management daemon, pmud, to make it work and you must have the /dev/pmu device (see the pmud README).
Get pmud from <>.
If you have a PowerBook, you should say Y here.
You may also want to compile the dma sound driver as a module and have it autoloaded. The act of removing the module shuts down the sound hardware for more power savings.
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