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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_PREEMPT_DYNAMIC
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_PREEMPT_DYNAMIC:
This option allows to define the preemption model on the kernel command line parameter and thus override the default preemption model defined during compile time.
The feature is primarily interesting for Linux distributions which provide a pre-built kernel binary to reduce the number of kernel flavors they offer while still offering different usecases.
The runtime overhead is negligible with HAVE_STATIC_CALL_INLINE enabled but if runtime patching is not available for the specific architecture then the potential overhead should be considered.
Interesting if you want the same pre-built kernel should be used for both Server and Desktop workloads.
The configuration item CONFIG_PREEMPT_DYNAMIC:
This option allows to define the preemption model on the kernel command line parameter and thus override the default preemption model defined during compile time.
The feature is primarily interesting for Linux distributions which provide a pre-built kernel binary to reduce the number of kernel flavors they offer while still offering different usecases.
The runtime overhead is negligible with HAVE_STATIC_CALL_INLINE enabled but if runtime patching is not available for the specific architecture then the potential overhead should be considered.
Interesting if you want the same pre-built kernel should be used for both Server and Desktop workloads.
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