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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_PSMOUSE
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_PSMOUSE:
The PS/2 mouse connects to a special mouse port that looks much like the keyboard port (small circular connector with 6 pins). This way, the mouse does not use any serial ports. This port can also be used for other input devices like light pens, tablets, keypads. Compaq, AST and IBM all use this as their mouse port on currently shipping machines. The trackballs of some laptops are PS/2 mice also. In particular, the C&T 82C710 mouse on TI Travelmates is a PS/2 mouse.
Although PS/2 mice are not technically bus mice, they are explained in detail in the Busmouse-HOWTO, available from
When using a PS/2 mouse, you can get problems if you want to use the mouse both on the Linux console and under X. Using the "-R" option of the Linux mouse managing program gpm (available from <>) solves this problem, or you can get the "mconv2" utility from <>.
The configuration item CONFIG_PSMOUSE:
The PS/2 mouse connects to a special mouse port that looks much like the keyboard port (small circular connector with 6 pins). This way, the mouse does not use any serial ports. This port can also be used for other input devices like light pens, tablets, keypads. Compaq, AST and IBM all use this as their mouse port on currently shipping machines. The trackballs of some laptops are PS/2 mice also. In particular, the C&T 82C710 mouse on TI Travelmates is a PS/2 mouse.
Although PS/2 mice are not technically bus mice, they are explained in detail in the Busmouse-HOWTO, available from
When using a PS/2 mouse, you can get problems if you want to use the mouse both on the Linux console and under X. Using the "-R" option of the Linux mouse managing program gpm (available from <>) solves this problem, or you can get the "mconv2" utility from <>.
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