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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_RCU_EQS_DEBUG
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_RCU_EQS_DEBUG:
This option provides consistency checks in RCU's handling of NO_HZ. These checks have proven quite helpful in detecting bugs in arch-specific NO_HZ code.
Say N here if you need ultimate kernel/user switch latencies Say Y if you are unsure
The configuration item CONFIG_RCU_EQS_DEBUG:
This option provides consistency checks in RCU's handling of NO_HZ. These checks have proven quite helpful in detecting bugs in arch-specific NO_HZ code.
Say N here if you need ultimate kernel/user switch latencies Say Y if you are unsure
The configuration item CONFIG_RCU_EQS_DEBUG:
This option provides consistency checks in RCU's handling of NO_HZ. These checks have proven quite helpful in detecting bugs in arch-specific NO_HZ code.
Say N here if you need ultimate kernel/user switch latencies Say Y if you are unsure
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