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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_REISERFS_CHECK
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_REISERFS_CHECK:
If you set this to Y, then ReiserFS will perform every check it can possibly imagine of its internal consistency throughout its operation. It will also go substantially slower. More than once we have forgotten that this was on, and then gone despondent over the latest benchmarks.:-) Use of this option allows our team to go all out in checking for consistency when debugging without fear of its effect on end users. If you are on the verge of sending in a bug report, say Y and you might get a useful error message. Almost everyone should say N.
The configuration item CONFIG_REISERFS_CHECK:
If you set this to Y, then ReiserFS will perform every check it can possibly imagine of its internal consistency throughout its operation. It will also go substantially slower. More than once we have forgotten that this was on, and then gone despondent over the latest benchmarks.:-) Use of this option allows our team to go all out in checking for consistency when debugging without fear of its effect on end users. If you are on the verge of sending in a bug report, say Y and you might get a useful error message. Almost everyone should say N.
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