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CONFIG_S3C2410_PM_CHECK: S3C2410 PM Suspend Memory CRC

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_S3C2410_PM_CHECK has multiple definitions:

S3C2410 PM Suspend Memory CRC found in arch/arm/plat-s3c/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_S3C2410_PM_CHECK:

Help text

Enable the PM code's memory area checksum over sleep. This option will generate CRCs of all blocks of memory, and store them before going to sleep. The blocks are then checked on resume for any errors.

Note, this can take several seconds depending on memory size and CPU speed.

See Documentation/arm/Samsung-S3C24XX/Suspend.txt

S3C2410 PM Suspend Memory CRC found in arch/arm/plat-s3c24xx/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_S3C2410_PM_CHECK:

Help text

Enable the PM code's memory area checksum over sleep. This option will generate CRCs of all blocks of memory, and store them before going to sleep. The blocks are then checked on resume for any errors.

Note, this can take several seconds depending on memory size and CPU speed.

See Documentation/arm/Samsung-S3C24XX/Suspend.txt

S3C2410 PM Suspend Memory CRC found in arch/arm/mach-s3c2410/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_S3C2410_PM_CHECK:

Help text

Enable the PM code's memory area checksum over sleep. This option will generate CRCs of all blocks of memory, and store them before going to sleep. The blocks are then checked on resume for any errors.



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