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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_S3C24XX_PLL
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_S3C24XX_PLL:
Compile in support for changing the PLL frequency from the S3C24XX series CPUfreq driver. The PLL takes time to settle after a frequency change, so by default it is not enabled.
This also means that the PLL tables for the selected CPU(s) will be built which may increase the size of the kernel image.
The configuration item CONFIG_S3C24XX_PLL:
Compile in support for changing the PLL frequency from the S3C24XX series CPUfreq driver. The PLL takes time to settle after a frequency change, so by default it is not enabled.
This also means that the PLL tables for the selected CPU(s) will be built which may increase the size of the kernel image.
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