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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_SATA_MOBILE_LPM_POLICY
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_SATA_MOBILE_LPM_POLICY:
Select the Default SATA Link Power Management (LPM) policy to use for chipsets / "South Bridges" supporting low-power modes. Such chipsets are ubiquitous across laptops, desktops and servers.
The value set has the following meanings: 0 => Keep firmware settings 1 => Maximum performance 2 => Medium power 3 => Medium power with Device Initiated PM enabled 4 => Minimum power
Note "Minimum power" is known to cause issues, including disk corruption, with some disks and should not be used.
The configuration item CONFIG_SATA_MOBILE_LPM_POLICY:
Select the Default SATA Link Power Management (LPM) policy to use for chipsets / "South Bridges" supporting low-power modes. Such chipsets are typically found on most laptops but desktops and servers now also widely use chipsets supporting low power modes.
The value set has the following meanings: 0 => Keep firmware settings 1 => Maximum performance 2 => Medium power 3 => Medium power with Device Initiated PM enabled 4 => Minimum power
Note "Minimum power" is known to cause issues, including disk corruption, with some disks and should not be used.
The configuration item CONFIG_SATA_MOBILE_LPM_POLICY:
Select the Default SATA Link Power Management (LPM) policy to use for mobile / laptop variants of chipsets / "South Bridges".
The value set has the following meanings: 0 => Keep firmware settings 1 => Maximum performance 2 => Medium power 3 => Medium power with Device Initiated PM enabled 4 => Minimum power
Note "Minimum power" is known to cause issues, including disk corruption, with some disks and should not be used.
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