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CONFIG_SCSI_MESH_SYNC_RATE: maximum synchronous transfer rate (MB/s) (0 = async)

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_SCSI_MESH_SYNC_RATE:

Help text

On Power Macintoshes (and clones) where the MESH SCSI bus adaptor drives a bus which is entirely internal to the machine (such as the 7500, 7600, 8500, etc.), the MESH is capable of synchronous operation at up to 10 MB/s. On machines where the SCSI bus controlled by the MESH can have external devices connected, it is usually rated at 5 MB/s. 5 is a safe value here unless you know the MESH SCSI bus is internal only; in that case you can say 10. Say 0 to disable synchronous operation.



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