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General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_SCSI_NCR53C8XX_SYMBIOS_COMPAT has multiple definitions:

assume boards are SYMBIOS compatible (EXPERIMENTAL) found in drivers/scsi/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_SCSI_NCR53C8XX_SYMBIOS_COMPAT:

Help text

This option allows you to enable some features depending on GPIO wiring. These General Purpose Input/Output pins can be used for vendor specific features or implementation of the standard SYMBIOS features. Genuine SYMBIOS controllers use GPIO0 in output for controller LED and GPIO3 bit as a flag indicating singled-ended/differential interface. The Tekram DC-390U/F boards uses a different GPIO wiring.

Your answer to this question is ignored if all your controllers have NVRAM, since the driver is able to detect the board type from the NVRAM format.

If all the controllers in your system are genuine SYMBIOS boards or use BIOS and drivers from SYMBIOS, you would want to say Y here, otherwise N. N is the safe answer.

assume boards are SYMBIOS compatible (EXPERIMENTAL) found in drivers/scsi/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_SCSI_NCR53C8XX_SYMBIOS_COMPAT:

Help text

This option allows you to enable some features depending on GPIO wiring. These General Purpose Input/Output pins can be used for vendor specific features or implementation of the standard SYMBIOS features. Genuine SYMBIOS controllers use GPIO0 in output for controller LED and GPIO3 bit as a flag indicating singled-ended/differential interface. The Tekram DC-390U/F boards uses a different GPIO wiring.

Your answer to this question is ignored if all your controllers have NVRAM, since the driver is able to detect the board type from the NVRAM format.

If all the controllers in your system are genuine SYMBIOS boards or use BIOS and drivers from SYMBIOS, you would want to say Y here, otherwise N. N is the safe answer.

assume boards are SYMBIOS compatible (EXPERIMENTAL) found in arch/sparc64/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_SCSI_NCR53C8XX_SYMBIOS_COMPAT:

Help text

This option allows you to enable some features depending on GPIO wiring. These General Purpose Input/Output pins can be used for vendor specific features or implementation of the standard SYMBIOS features. Genuine SYMBIOS controllers use GPIO0 in output for controller LED and GPIO3 bit as a flag indicating singled-ended/differential interface. The Tekram DC-390U/F boards uses a different GPIO wiring.

Your answer to this question is ignored if all your controllers have NVRAM, since the driver is able to detect the board type from the NVRAM format.

If all the controllers in your system are genuine SYMBIOS boards or use BIOS and drivers from SYMBIOS, you would want to say Y here, otherwise N. N is the safe answer.



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