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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_SLIP_COMPRESSED
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_SLIP_COMPRESSED:
This protocol is faster than SLIP because it uses compression on the TCP/IP headers (not on the data itself), but it has to be supported on both ends. Ask your access provider if you are not sure and answer Y, just in case. You will still be able to use plain SLIP. If you plan to use SLiRP, the SLIP emulator (available from <>) which allows you to use SLIP over a regular dial up shell connection, you definitely want to say Y here. The NET-3-HOWTO, available from, explains how to configure CSLIP. This won't enlarge your kernel.
The configuration item CONFIG_SLIP_COMPRESSED:
This protocol is faster than SLIP because it uses compression on the TCP/IP headers (not on the data itself), but it has to be supported on both ends. Ask your access provider if you are not sure and answer Y, just in case. You will still be able to use plain SLIP. If you plan to use SLiRP, the SLIP emulator (available from <>) which allows you to use SLIP over a regular dial up shell connection, you definitely want to say Y here. The NET-3-HOWTO, available from, explains how to configure CSLIP. This won't enlarge your kernel.
The configuration item CONFIG_SLIP_COMPRESSED:
The configuration item CONFIG_SLIP_COMPRESSED:
This protocol is faster than SLIP because it uses compression on the TCP/IP headers (not on the data itself), but it has to be supported on both ends. Ask your access provider if you are not sure and answer Y, just in case. You will still be able to use plain SLIP. If you plan to use SLiRP, the SLIP emulator (available from <>) which allows you to use SLIP over a regular dial up shell connection, you definitely want to say Y here. The NET-3-HOWTO, available from, explains how to configure CSLIP. This won't enlarge your kernel.
The configuration item CONFIG_SLIP_COMPRESSED:
This protocol is faster than SLIP because it uses compression on the TCP/IP headers (not on the data itself), but it has to be supported on both ends. Ask your access provider if you are not sure and answer Y, just in case. You will still be able to use plain SLIP. If you plan to use SLiRP, the SLIP emulator (available from <>) which allows you to use SLIP over a regular dial up shell connection, you definitely want to say Y here. The NET-3-HOWTO, available from, explains how to configure CSLIP. This won't enlarge your kernel.
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