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CONFIG_SLUB_STATS: Enable performance statistics

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_SLUB_STATS has multiple definitions:

Enable performance statistics found in mm/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_SLUB_STATS:

Help text

The statistics are useful to debug slab allocation behavior in order find ways to optimize the allocator. This should never be enabled for production use since keeping statistics slows down the allocator by a few percentage points. The slabinfo command supports the determination of the most active slabs to figure out which slabs are relevant to a particular load. Try running: slabinfo -DA

Enable SLUB performance statistics found in mm/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_SLUB_STATS:

Help text

SLUB statistics are useful to debug SLUBs allocation behavior in order find ways to optimize the allocator. This should never be enabled for production use since keeping statistics slows down the allocator by a few percentage points. The slabinfo command supports the determination of the most active slabs to figure out which slabs are relevant to a particular load. Try running: slabinfo -DA

Enable SLUB performance statistics found in lib/Kconfig.debug

The configuration item CONFIG_SLUB_STATS:

Help text

SLUB statistics are useful to debug SLUBs allocation behavior in order find ways to optimize the allocator. This should never be enabled for production use since keeping statistics slows down the allocator by a few percentage points. The slabinfo command supports the determination of the most active slabs to figure out which slabs are relevant to a particular load. Try running: slabinfo -DA



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