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CONFIG_SMDK6410_WM1192_EV1: Support Wolfson Microelectronics 1192-EV1 PMIC card

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_SMDK6410_WM1192_EV1 has multiple definitions:

Support Wolfson Microelectronics 1192-EV1 PMIC card found in arch/arm/mach-s3c/Kconfig.s3c64xx

The configuration item CONFIG_SMDK6410_WM1192_EV1:

Help text

The Wolfson Microelectronics 1192-EV1 is a WM831x based PMIC daughtercard for the Samsung SMDK6410 reference platform. Enabling this option will build support for this module into the kernel. The presence of the daughtercard will be detected at runtime so the resulting kernel can be used with or without the 1192-EV1 fitted.

Support Wolfson Microelectronics 1192-EV1 PMIC card found in arch/arm/mach-s3c64xx/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_SMDK6410_WM1192_EV1:

Help text

The Wolfson Microelectronics 1192-EV1 is a WM831x based PMIC daughtercard for the Samsung SMDK6410 reference platform. Enabling this option will build support for this module into the kernel. The presence of the daughtercard will be detected at runtime so the resulting kernel can be used with or without the 1192-EV1 fitted.



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