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CONFIG_SND_HDA_RECONFIG: Allow dynamic codec reconfiguration

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_SND_HDA_RECONFIG has multiple definitions:

Allow dynamic codec reconfiguration found in sound/pci/hda/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_SND_HDA_RECONFIG:

Help text

Say Y here to enable the HD-audio codec re-configuration feature. It allows user to clear the whole codec configuration, change the codec setup, add extra verbs, and re-configure the codec dynamically.

Note that this item alone doesn't provide the sysfs interface, but enables the feature just for the patch loader below. If you need the traditional sysfs entries for the manual interaction, turn on SND_HDA_HWDEP as well.

Allow dynamic codec reconfiguration (EXPERIMENTAL) found in sound/pci/hda/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_SND_HDA_RECONFIG:

Help text

Say Y here to enable the HD-audio codec re-configuration feature. This adds the sysfs interfaces to allow user to clear the whole codec configuration, change the codec setup, add extra verbs, and re-configure the codec dynamically.



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