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CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF_BAYTRAIL_SUPPORT: SOF support for Baytrail, Braswell and Cherrytrail

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF_BAYTRAIL_SUPPORT:

Help text

This adds support for Sound Open Firmware for Intel(R) platforms using the Baytrail, Braswell or Cherrytrail processors. This option can coexist in the same build with the Atom legacy drivers, currently the default but which will be deprecated at some point. Existing firmware/topology binaries and UCM configurations typically located in the root file system are already compatible with both SOF or Atom/SST legacy drivers. This is a recommended option for distributions. Say Y if you want to enable SOF on Baytrail/Cherrytrail. If unsure select "N".



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