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General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_SPE has multiple definitions:

SPE Support found in arch/powerpc/platforms/Kconfig.cputype

The configuration item CONFIG_SPE:

Help text

This option enables kernel support for the Signal Processing Extensions (SPE) to the PowerPC processor. The kernel currently supports saving and restoring SPE registers, and turning on the 'spe enable' bit so user processes can execute SPE instructions.

This option is only useful if you have a processor that supports SPE (e500, otherwise known as 85xx series), but does not have any effect on a non-spe cpu (it does, however add code to the kernel).

If in doubt, say Y here.

SPE Support found in arch/ppc/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_SPE:

Help text

This option enables kernel support for the Signal Processing Extensions (SPE) to the PowerPC processor. The kernel currently supports saving and restoring SPE registers, and turning on the 'spe enable' bit so user processes can execute SPE instructions.

This option is only useful if you have a processor that supports SPE (e500, otherwise known as 85xx series), but does not have any effect on a non-spe cpu (it does, however add code to the kernel).

If in doubt, say Y here.

SPE Support found in arch/powerpc/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_SPE:

Help text

This option enables kernel support for the Signal Processing Extensions (SPE) to the PowerPC processor. The kernel currently supports saving and restoring SPE registers, and turning on the 'spe enable' bit so user processes can execute SPE instructions.

This option is only useful if you have a processor that supports SPE (e500, otherwise known as 85xx series), but does not have any effect on a non-spe cpu (it does, however add code to the kernel).

If in doubt, say Y here.



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