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CONFIG_STACKLEAK_METRICS: Show STACKLEAK metrics in the /proc file system

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_STACKLEAK_METRICS has multiple definitions:

Show STACKLEAK metrics in the /proc file system found in security/Kconfig.hardening

The configuration item CONFIG_STACKLEAK_METRICS:

Help text

If this is set, STACKLEAK metrics for every task are available in the /proc file system. In particular, /proc/<pid>/stack_depth shows the maximum kernel stack consumption for the current and previous syscalls. Although this information is not precise, it can be useful for estimating the STACKLEAK performance impact for your workloads.

Show STACKLEAK metrics in the /proc file system found in scripts/gcc-plugins/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_STACKLEAK_METRICS:

Help text

If this is set, STACKLEAK metrics for every task are available in the /proc file system. In particular, /proc/<pid>/stack_depth shows the maximum kernel stack consumption for the current and previous syscalls. Although this information is not precise, it can be useful for estimating the STACKLEAK performance impact for your workloads.



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