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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_STACKPROTECTOR
( CONFIG_HAVE_STACKPROTECTOR ) && ($( CONFIG_cc-option,-fstack-protector ))
This option turns on the "stack-protector" GCC feature. This feature puts, at the beginning of functions, a canary value on the stack just before the return address, and validates the value just before actually returning. Stack based buffer overflows (that need to overwrite this return address) now also overwrite the canary, which gets detected and the attack is then neutralized via a kernel panic.
Functions will have the stack-protector canary logic added if they have an 8-byte or larger character array on the stack.
This feature requires gcc version 4.2 or above, or a distribution gcc with the feature backported ("-fstack-protector").
On an x86 "defconfig" build, this feature adds canary checks to about 3% of all kernel functions, which increases kernel code size by about 0.3%.
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