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General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_TURRIS_OMNIA_MCU_GPIO:

Help text

Say Y here to add support for controlling MCU GPIO pins and receiving MCU interrupts on CZ.NIC's Turris Omnia. This enables you to - get front button press events (the front button can be configured either to generate press events to the CPU or to change front LEDs panel brightness), - enable / disable USB port voltage regulators and to detect USB overcurrent, - detect MiniPCIe / mSATA card presence in MiniPCIe port 0, - configure resets of various peripherals on board revisions 32+, - enable / disable the VHV voltage regulator to the SOC in order to be able to program SOC's OTP on board revisions 32+, - get input from the LED output pins of the WAN ethernet PHY, LAN switch and MiniPCIe ports.



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