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CONFIG_UBIFS_FS_DEBUG: Enable debugging support

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_UBIFS_FS_DEBUG has multiple definitions:

Enable debugging support found in fs/ubifs/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_UBIFS_FS_DEBUG:

Help text

This option enables UBIFS debugging support. It makes sure various assertions, self-checks, debugging messages and test modes are compiled in (this all is compiled out otherwise). Assertions are light-weight and this option also enables them. Self-checks, debugging messages and test modes are switched off by default. Thus, it is safe and actually recommended to have debugging support enabled, and it should not slow down UBIFS. You can then further enable / disable individual debugging features using UBIFS module parameters and the corresponding sysfs interfaces.

Enable debugging found in fs/ubifs/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_UBIFS_FS_DEBUG:

Help text

This option enables UBIFS debugging.



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