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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_USB_EHCI_ROOT_HUB_TT
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_USB_EHCI_ROOT_HUB_TT:
Some EHCI chips have vendor-specific extensions to integrate transaction translators, so that no OHCI or UHCI companion controller is needed. It's safe to say "y" even if your controller doesn't support this feature.
This supports the EHCI implementation that's originally from ARC, and has since changed hands a few times.
The configuration item CONFIG_USB_EHCI_ROOT_HUB_TT:
Some EHCI chips have vendor-specific extensions to integrate transaction translators, so that no OHCI or UHCI companion controller is needed. It's safe to say "y" even if your controller doesn't support this feature.
This supports the EHCI implementation that's originally from ARC, and has since changed hands a few times.
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