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CONFIG_VCAP: VCAP (Versatile Content-Aware Processor) library

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_VCAP:

Help text

Provides the basic VCAP functionality for multiple Microchip switchcores

A VCAP is essentially a TCAM with rules consisting of

- Programmable key fields - Programmable action fields - A counter (which may be only one bit wide)

Besides this each VCAP has:

- A number of lookups - A keyset configuration per port per lookup

The VCAP implementation provides switchcore independent handling of rules and supports:

- Creating and deleting rules - Updating and getting rules

The platform specific configuration as well as the platform specific model of the VCAP instances are attached to the VCAP API and a client can then access rules via the API in a platform independent way, with the limitations that each VCAP has in terms of its supported keys and actions.

Different switchcores will have different VCAP instances with different characteristics. Look in the datasheet for the VCAP specifications for the specific switchcore.



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