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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_VME
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_VME:
Say Y here if you want to build a kernel for a 680x0 based VME board. Boards currently supported include Motorola boards MVME147, MVME162, MVME166, MVME167, MVME172, and MVME177. BVME4000 and BVME6000 boards from BVM Ltd are also supported.
The configuration item CONFIG_VME:
Say Y here if you want to build a kernel for a 680x0 based VME board. Boards currently supported include Motorola boards MVME147, MVME162, MVME166, MVME167, MVME172, and MVME177. BVME4000 and BVME6000 boards from BVM Ltd are also supported.
The configuration item CONFIG_VME:
Say Y here if you want to build a kernel for a 680x0 based VME board. Boards currently supported include Motorola boards MVME147, MVME162, MVME166, MVME167, MVME172, and MVME177. BVME4000 and BVME6000 boards from BVM Ltd are also supported.
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