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General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_WIMAX_DEBUG_LEVEL has multiple definitions:

WiMAX debug level found in drivers/staging/wimax/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_WIMAX_DEBUG_LEVEL:

Help text

Select the maximum debug verbosity level to be compiled into the WiMAX stack code.

By default, debug messages are disabled at runtime and can be selectively enabled for different parts of the code using the sysfs debug-levels file.

If set at zero, this will compile out all the debug code.

It is recommended that it is left at 8.

WiMAX debug level found in net/wimax/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_WIMAX_DEBUG_LEVEL:

Help text

Select the maximum debug verbosity level to be compiled into the WiMAX stack code.

By default, debug messages are disabled at runtime and can be selectively enabled for different parts of the code using the sysfs debug-levels file.

If set at zero, this will compile out all the debug code.

It is recommended that it is left at 8.



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