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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_X86_GENERIC
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_X86_GENERIC:
Instead of just including optimizations for the selected x86 variant (e.g. PII, Crusoe or Athlon), include some more generic optimizations as well. This will make the kernel perform better on x86 CPUs other than that selected.
This is really intended for distributors who need more generic optimizations.
The configuration item CONFIG_X86_GENERIC:
Instead of just including optimizations for the selected x86 variant (e.g. PII, Crusoe or Athlon), include some more generic optimizations as well. This will make the kernel perform better on x86 CPUs other than that selected.
This is really intended for distributors who need more generic optimizations.
The configuration item CONFIG_X86_GENERIC:
Instead of just including optimizations for the selected x86 variant (e.g. PII, Crusoe or Athlon), include some more generic optimizations as well. This will make the kernel perform better on x86 CPUs other than that selected.
This is really intended for distributors who need more generic optimizations.
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