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CONFIG_X86_RESERVE_LOW_64K: Reserve low 64K of RAM on AMI/Phoenix BIOSen

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_X86_RESERVE_LOW_64K:

Help text

Reserve the first 64K of physical RAM on BIOSes that are known to potentially corrupt that memory range. A numbers of BIOSes are known to utilize this area during suspend/resume, so it must not be used by the kernel.

Set this to N if you are absolutely sure that you trust the BIOS to get all its memory reservations and usages right.

If you have doubts about the BIOS (e.g. suspend/resume does not work or there's kernel crashes after certain hardware hotplug events) and it's not AMI or Phoenix, then you might want to enable X86_CHECK_BIOS_CORRUPTION=y to allow the kernel to check typical corruption patterns.

Say Y if unsure.



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