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CONFIG_XILINX_VIRTEX440_GENERIC_BOARD: Generic Xilinx Virtex 5 FXT board support

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_XILINX_VIRTEX440_GENERIC_BOARD has multiple definitions:

Generic Xilinx Virtex 5 FXT board support found in arch/powerpc/platforms/44x/Kconfig


Help text

This option enables generic support for Xilinx Virtex based boards that use a 440 based processor in the Virtex 5 FXT FPGA architecture.

The generic virtex board support matches any device tree which specifies 'xlnx,virtex440' in its compatible field. This includes the Xilinx ML5xx reference designs using the powerpc core.

Most Virtex 5 designs should use this unless it needs to do some special configuration at board probe time.

Generic Xilinx Virtex 440 board found in arch/powerpc/platforms/44x/Kconfig


Help text

This option enables generic support for Xilinx Virtex based boards that use a 440 based processor in the Virtex 5 FXT FPGA architecture.

The generic virtex board support matches any device tree which specifies 'xlnx,virtex440' in its compatible field. This includes the Xilinx ML5xx reference designs using the powerpc core.

Most Virtex 5 designs should use this unless it needs to do some special configuration at board probe time.



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