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General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_ARCH_TEGRA_210_SOC:

Help text

Enable support for the NVIDIA Tegra210 SoC. Also known as Tegra X1, the Tegra210 has four Cortex-A57 cores paired with four Cortex-A53 cores in a switched configuration. It features a GPU of the Maxwell architecture with support for DX11, SM4, OpenGL 4.5, OpenGL ES 3.1 and providing 256 CUDA cores. It supports hardware-accelerated en- and decoding of various video standards including H.265, H.264 and VP8 at 4K resolution and up to 60 fps.

Besides the multimedia features it also comes with a variety of I/O controllers, such as GPIO, I2C, SPI, SDHCI, PCIe, SATA and XHCI, to name only a few.



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