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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_ATM_ENI_TUNE_BURST
In order to obtain good throughput, the ENI NIC can transfer multiple words of data per PCI bus access cycle. Such a multi-word transfer is called a burst.
The default settings for the burst sizes are suitable for most PCI chipsets. However, in some cases, large bursts may overrun buffers in the PCI chipset and cause data corruption. In such cases, large bursts must be disabled and only (slower) small bursts can be used. The burst sizes can be set independently in the send (TX) and receive (RX) direction.
Note that enabling many different burst sizes in the same direction may increase the cost of setting up a transfer such that the resulting throughput is lower than when using only the largest available burst size.
Also, sometimes larger bursts lead to lower throughput, e.g. on an Intel 440FX board, a drop from 135 Mbps to 103 Mbps was observed when going from 8W to 16W bursts.
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