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General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_CAN_KVASER_USB:

Help text

This driver adds support for Kvaser CAN/USB devices like Kvaser Leaf Light, Kvaser USBcan II and Kvaser Memorator Pro 5xHS.

The driver provides support for the following devices: - Kvaser Leaf Light - Kvaser Leaf Professional HS - Kvaser Leaf SemiPro HS - Kvaser Leaf Professional LS - Kvaser Leaf Professional SWC - Kvaser Leaf Professional LIN - Kvaser Leaf SemiPro LS - Kvaser Leaf SemiPro SWC - Kvaser Memorator II HS/HS - Kvaser USBcan Professional HS/HS - Kvaser Leaf Light GI - Kvaser Leaf Professional HS (OBD-II connector) - Kvaser Memorator Professional HS/LS - Kvaser Leaf Light "China" - Kvaser BlackBird SemiPro - Kvaser USBcan R - Kvaser USBcan R v2 - Kvaser Leaf Light v2 - Kvaser Leaf Light R v2 - Kvaser Mini PCI Express HS - Kvaser Mini PCI Express 2xHS - Kvaser Mini PCIe 1xCAN - Kvaser USBcan Light 2xHS - Kvaser USBcan II HS/HS - Kvaser USBcan II HS/LS - Kvaser USBcan Rugged ("USBcan Rev B") - Kvaser Memorator HS/HS - Kvaser Memorator HS/LS - Scania VCI2 (if you have the Kvaser logo on top) - Kvaser BlackBird v2 - Kvaser Leaf Pro HS v2 - Kvaser Leaf v3 - Kvaser Hybrid CAN/LIN - Kvaser Hybrid 2xCAN/LIN - Kvaser Hybrid Pro CAN/LIN - Kvaser Hybrid Pro 2xCAN/LIN - Kvaser Memorator 2xHS v2 - Kvaser Memorator Pro 2xHS v2 - Kvaser Memorator Pro 5xHS - Kvaser USBcan Light 4xHS - Kvaser USBcan Pro 2xHS v2 - Kvaser USBcan Pro 4xHS - Kvaser USBcan Pro 5xCAN - Kvaser USBcan Pro 5xHS - Kvaser U100 - Kvaser U100P - Kvaser U100S - ATI Memorator Pro 2xHS v2 - ATI USBcan Pro 2xHS v2 - Vining 800

If unsure, say N.

To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module will be called kvaser_usb.



Numeric ID (from LKDDb) and names (from usb.ids) of recognized devices:


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