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CONFIG_CORESIGHT_CTI: CoreSight Cross Trigger Interface (CTI) driver

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_CORESIGHT_CTI has multiple definitions:

CoreSight Cross Trigger Interface (CTI) driver found in drivers/hwtracing/coresight/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_CORESIGHT_CTI:

Help text

This driver provides support for CoreSight CTI and CTM components. These provide hardware triggering events between CoreSight trace source and sink components. These can be used to halt trace or inject events into the trace stream. CTI also provides a software control to trigger the same halt events. This can provide fast trace halt compared to disabling sources and sinks normally in driver software.

To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module will be called coresight-cti.

CoreSight Cross Trigger Interface (CTI) driver found in drivers/hwtracing/coresight/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_CORESIGHT_CTI:

Help text

This driver provides support for CoreSight CTI and CTM components. These provide hardware triggering events between CoreSight trace source and sink components. These can be used to halt trace or inject events into the trace stream. CTI also provides a software control to trigger the same halt events. This can provide fast trace halt compared to disabling sources and sinks normally in driver software.



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