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CONFIG_COSA: COSA/SRP sync serial boards support

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_COSA:

Help text

Driver for COSA and SRP synchronous serial boards.

These boards allow to connect synchronous serial devices (for example base-band modems, or any other device with the X.21, V.24, V.35 or V.36 interface) to your Linux box. The cards can work as the character device, synchronous PPP network device, or the Cisco HDLC network device.

You will need user-space utilities COSA or SRP boards for downloading the firmware to the cards and to set them up. Look at the for more information. You can also read the comment at the top of the drivers/net/wan/cosa.c for details about the cards and the driver itself.

The driver will be compiled as a module: the module will be called cosa.



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