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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_CPU_HAS_SR_RB
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_CPU_HAS_SR_RB:
This will enable the use of SR.RB register bank usage. Processors that are lacking this bit must have another method in place for accomplishing what is taken care of by the banked registers.
See Documentation/arch/sh/register-banks.rst for further information on SR.RB and register banking in the kernel in general.
The configuration item CONFIG_CPU_HAS_SR_RB:
This will enable the use of SR.RB register bank usage. Processors that are lacking this bit must have another method in place for accomplishing what is taken care of by the banked registers.
See Documentation/sh/register-banks.txt for further information on SR.RB and register banking in the kernel in general.
The configuration item CONFIG_CPU_HAS_SR_RB:
This will enable the use of SR.RB register bank usage. Processors that are lacking this bit must have another method in place for accomplishing what is taken care of by the banked registers.
See Documentation/sh/register-banks.txt for further information on SR.RB and register banking in the kernel in general.
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