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CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES_ARM_BS: Ciphers: AES, modes: ECB/CBC/CTR/XTS (bit-sliced NEON)

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES_ARM_BS has multiple definitions:

Ciphers: AES, modes: ECB/CBC/CTR/XTS (bit-sliced NEON) found in arch/arm/crypto/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES_ARM_BS:

Help text

Length-preserving ciphers: AES cipher algorithms (FIPS-197) with block cipher modes: - ECB (Electronic Codebook) mode (NIST SP800-38A) - CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) mode (NIST SP800-38A) - CTR (Counter) mode (NIST SP800-38A) - XTS (XOR Encrypt XOR with ciphertext stealing) mode (NIST SP800-38E and IEEE 1619)

Bit sliced AES gives around 45% speedup on Cortex-A15 for CTR mode and for XTS mode encryption, CBC and XTS mode decryption speedup is around 25%. (CBC encryption speed is not affected by this driver.)

The bit sliced AES code does not use lookup tables, so it is believed to be invulnerable to cache timing attacks. However, since the bit sliced AES code cannot process single blocks efficiently, in certain cases table-based code with some countermeasures against cache timing attacks will still be used as a fallback method; specifically CBC encryption (not CBC decryption), the encryption of XTS tweaks, XTS ciphertext stealing when the message isn't a multiple of 16 bytes, and CTR when invoked in a context in which NEON instructions are unusable.

Bit sliced AES using NEON instructions found in arch/arm/crypto/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES_ARM_BS:

Help text

Use a faster and more secure NEON based implementation of AES in CBC, CTR and XTS modes

Bit sliced AES gives around 45% speedup on Cortex-A15 for CTR mode and for XTS mode encryption, CBC and XTS mode decryption speedup is around 25%. (CBC encryption speed is not affected by this driver.) This implementation does not rely on any lookup tables so it is believed to be invulnerable to cache timing attacks.

Bit sliced AES using NEON instructions found in crypto/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES_ARM_BS:

Help text

Use a faster and more secure NEON based implementation of AES in CBC, CTR and XTS modes

Bit sliced AES gives around 45% speedup on Cortex-A15 for CTR mode and for XTS mode encryption, CBC and XTS mode decryption speedup is around 25%. (CBC encryption speed is not affected by this driver.) This implementation does not rely on any lookup tables so it is believed to be invulnerable to cache timing attacks.



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