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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_CRYPTO_KHAZAD
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_CRYPTO_KHAZAD:
Khazad cipher algorithm
Khazad was a finalist in the initial NESSIE competition. It is an algorithm optimized for 64-bit processors with good performance on 32-bit processors. Khazad uses an 128 bit key size.
See for further information.
The configuration item CONFIG_CRYPTO_KHAZAD:
Khazad cipher algorithm.
Khazad was a finalist in the initial NESSIE competition. It is an algorithm optimized for 64-bit processors with good performance on 32-bit processors. Khazad uses an 128 bit key size.
See also:
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module khazad CONFIG_CRYPTO_KHAZAD : crypto/Kconfig : "Khazad" # in 2.6.8–2.6.39, 3.0–3.19, 4.0–4.20, 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.12, 6.13-rc+HEAD
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