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CONFIG_CRYPTO_LRW: LRW (Liskov Rivest Wagner)

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_CRYPTO_LRW has multiple definitions:

LRW (Liskov Rivest Wagner) found in crypto/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_CRYPTO_LRW:

Help text

LRW (Liskov Rivest Wagner) mode

A tweakable, non malleable, non movable narrow block cipher mode for dm-crypt. Use it with cipher specification string aes-lrw-benbi, the key must be 256, 320 or 384. The first 128, 192 or 256 bits in the key are used for AES and the rest is used to tie each cipher block to its logical position.


LRW support found in crypto/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_CRYPTO_LRW:

Help text

LRW: Liskov Rivest Wagner, a tweakable, non malleable, non movable narrow block cipher mode for dm-crypt. Use it with cipher specification string aes-lrw-benbi, the key must be 256, 320 or 384. The first 128, 192 or 256 bits in the key are used for AES and the rest is used to tie each cipher block to its logical position.

LRW support (EXPERIMENTAL) found in crypto/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_CRYPTO_LRW:

Help text

LRW: Liskov Rivest Wagner, a tweakable, non malleable, non movable narrow block cipher mode for dm-crypt. Use it with cipher specification string aes-lrw-benbi, the key must be 256, 320 or 384. The first 128, 192 or 256 bits in the key are used for AES and the rest is used to tie each cipher block to its logical position.



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