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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_DCB
This enables support for configuring Data Center Bridging (DCB) features on DCB capable Ethernet adapters via rtnetlink. Say 'Y' if you have a DCB capable Ethernet adapter which supports this interface and you are connected to a DCB capable switch.
DCB is a collection of Ethernet enhancements which allow DCB capable NICs and switches to support network traffic with differing requirements (highly reliable, no drops vs. best effort vs. low latency) to co-exist on Ethernet.
DCB features include: Enhanced Transmission Selection (aka Priority Grouping) - provides a framework for assigning bandwidth guarantees to traffic classes. Priority-based Flow Control (PFC) - a MAC control pause frame which works at the granularity of the 802.1p priority instead of the link (802.3x).
If unsure, say N.
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