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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_DRM_XE_FORCE_PROBE
This is the default value for the xe.force_probe module parameter. Using the module parameter overrides this option.
Force probe the xe for Intel graphics devices that are recognized but not properly supported by this kernel version. It is recommended to upgrade to a kernel version with proper support as soon as it is available.
It can also be used to block the probe of recognized and fully supported devices.
Use "" to disable force probe. If in doubt, use this.
Use "<pci-id>[,<pci-id>,...]" to force probe the xe for listed devices. For example, "4500" or "4500,4571".
Use "*" to force probe the driver for all known devices.
Use "!" right before the ID to block the probe of the device. For example, "4500,!4571" forces the probe of 4500 and blocks the probe of 4571.
Use "!*" to block the probe of the driver for all known devices.
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