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General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_EDAC_GHES has multiple definitions:

Output ACPI APEI/GHES BIOS detected errors via EDAC found in drivers/edac/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_EDAC_GHES:

Help text

Not all machines support hardware-driven error report. Some of those provide a BIOS-driven error report mechanism via ACPI, using the APEI/GHES driver. By enabling this option, the error reports provided by GHES are sent to userspace via the EDAC API.

When this option is enabled, it will disable the hardware-driven mechanisms, if a GHES BIOS is detected, entering into the "Firmware First" mode.

It should be noticed that keeping both GHES and a hardware-driven error mechanism won't work well, as BIOS will race with OS, while reading the error registers. So, if you want to not use "Firmware first" GHES error mechanism, you should disable GHES either at compilation time or by passing "ghes.disable=1" Kernel parameter at boot time.

In doubt, say 'Y'.

Output ACPI APEI/GHES BIOS detected errors via EDAC found in drivers/edac/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_EDAC_GHES:

Help text

Not all machines support hardware-driven error report. Some of those provide a BIOS-driven error report mechanism via ACPI, using the APEI/GHES driver. By enabling this option, the error reports provided by GHES are sent to userspace via the EDAC API.

When this option is enabled, it will disable the hardware-driven mechanisms, if a GHES BIOS is detected, entering into the "Firmware First" mode.

It should be noticed that keeping both GHES and a hardware-driven error mechanism won't work well, as BIOS will race with OS, while reading the error registers. So, if you want to not use "Firmware first" GHES error mechanism, you should disable GHES either at compilation time or by passing "ghes.disable=1" Kernel parameter at boot time.

In doubt, say 'Y'.



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