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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_ETRAX_PA_BUTTON_BITMASK
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_ETRAX_PA_BUTTON_BITMASK:
This is a bitmask with information about what bits on PA that are used for buttons. Most products has a so called TEST button on PA1, if that's true use 02 here. Use 00 if there are no buttons on PA. If the bitmask is <> 00 a button driver will be included in the gpio driver. ETRAX general I/O support must be enabled.
The configuration item CONFIG_ETRAX_PA_BUTTON_BITMASK:
This is a bitmask (8 bits) with information about what bits on PA that are used for buttons. Most products has a so called TEST button on PA1, if that is true use 0x02 here. Use 00 if there are no buttons on PA. If the bitmask is <> 00 a button driver will be included in the gpio driver. ETRAX general I/O support must be enabled.
The configuration item CONFIG_ETRAX_PA_BUTTON_BITMASK:
This is a bitmask with information about what bits on PA that are used for buttons. Most products has a so called TEST button on PA1, if that's true use 02 here. Use 00 if there are no buttons on PA. If the bitmask is <> 00 a button driver will be included in the gpio driver. Etrax general I/O support must be enabled.
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