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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_FC4
Fibre Channel is a high speed serial protocol mainly used to connect large storage devices to the computer; it is compatible with and intended to replace SCSI.
This is an experimental support for storage arrays connected to your computer using optical fibre cables and the "X3.269-199X Fibre Channel Protocol for SCSI" specification. If you want to use this, you need to say Y here and to "SCSI support" as well as to the drivers for the storage array itself and for the interface adapter such as SOC or SOC+. This subsystem could even serve for IP networking, with some code extensions.
If unsure, say N.
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module fc4 CONFIG_FC4 : drivers/fc4/Kconfig : "Fibre Channel and FC4 SCSI support" # in 2.5.45–2.5.75, 2.6.0–2.6.23
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