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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_FPGA_DFL_NIOS_INTEL_PAC_N3000
This is the driver for the N3000 Nios private feature on Intel PAC (Programmable Acceleration Card) N3000. It communicates with the embedded Nios processor to configure the retimers on the card. It also instantiates the SPI master (spi-altera) for the card's BMC (Board Management Controller).
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module dfl-n3000-nios CONFIG_FPGA_DFL_NIOS_INTEL_PAC_N3000 : drivers/fpga/Kconfig : "FPGA DFL NIOS Driver for Intel PAC N3000" # in 5.12–5.19, 6.0–6.14
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