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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_FPGA_DFL_PCI
Select this option to enable PCIe driver for PCIe-based Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) solutions which implement the Device Feature List (DFL). This driver provides interfaces for userspace applications to configure, enumerate, open and access FPGA accelerators on the FPGA DFL devices, enables system level management functions such as FPGA partial reconfiguration, power management and virtualization with DFL framework and DFL feature device drivers.
To compile this as a module, choose M here.
Numeric ID (from LKDDb) and names (from pci.ids) of recognized devices:
("Silicom Denmark"), device: 1000
("SmartNIC N5010 4x100Gb")1c2c
("Silicom Denmark"), device: 1001
("SmartNIC N5011 w/2xE810 4x100Gb")8086
("Intel Corporation"), device: 09c4
("PAC with Intel Arria 10 GX FPGA")8086
("Intel Corporation"), device: 09c5
("Intel Corporation"), device: 0b2b
("PAC with Intel Stratix 10 SX FPGA [FPGA PAC D5005]")8086
("Intel Corporation"), device: 0b2c
("Intel Corporation"), device: 0b30
("Intel Corporation"), device: bcbd
("Intel Corporation"), device: bcbf
("Intel Corporation"), device: bcc0
("Intel Corporation"), device: bcc1
("Intel Corporation"), device: bcce
, subvendor: 8086
, subdevice: 138d
("Intel Corporation"), device: bcce
, subvendor: 8086
, subdevice: 1770
("Intel Corporation"), device: bcce
, subvendor: 8086
, subdevice: 1771
("Intel Corporation"), device: bcce
, subvendor: 8086
, subdevice: 17d4
("Intel Corporation"), device: bccf
, subvendor: 8086
, subdevice: 1770
("Intel Corporation"), device: bccf
, subvendor: 8086
, subdevice: 1771
("Intel Corporation"), device: bccf
, subvendor: 8086
, subdevice: 17d4
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module dfl-pci CONFIG_FPGA_DFL_PCI : drivers/fpga/Kconfig : "FPGA DFL PCIe Device Driver" # in 4.19–4.20, 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb pci 1c2c 1000 .... .... ...... : CONFIG_FPGA CONFIG_FPGA_DFL_PCI : drivers/fpga/dfl-pci.c # in 5.15–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb pci 1c2c 1001 .... .... ...... : CONFIG_FPGA CONFIG_FPGA_DFL_PCI : drivers/fpga/dfl-pci.c # in 5.15–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb pci 8086 09c4 .... .... ...... : CONFIG_FPGA CONFIG_FPGA_DFL_PCI : drivers/fpga/dfl-pci.c # in 4.19–4.20, 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb pci 8086 09c5 .... .... ...... : CONFIG_FPGA CONFIG_FPGA_DFL_PCI : drivers/fpga/dfl-pci.c # in 4.19–4.20, 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb pci 8086 0b2b .... .... ...... : CONFIG_FPGA CONFIG_FPGA_DFL_PCI : drivers/fpga/dfl-pci.c # in 5.13–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb pci 8086 0b2c .... .... ...... : CONFIG_FPGA CONFIG_FPGA_DFL_PCI : drivers/fpga/dfl-pci.c # in 5.13–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb pci 8086 0b30 .... .... ...... : CONFIG_FPGA CONFIG_FPGA_DFL_PCI : drivers/fpga/dfl-pci.c # in 5.9–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb pci 8086 bcbd .... .... ...... : CONFIG_FPGA CONFIG_FPGA_DFL_PCI : drivers/fpga/dfl-pci.c # in 4.19–4.20, 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb pci 8086 bcbf .... .... ...... : CONFIG_FPGA CONFIG_FPGA_DFL_PCI : drivers/fpga/dfl-pci.c # in 4.19–4.20, 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb pci 8086 bcc0 .... .... ...... : CONFIG_FPGA CONFIG_FPGA_DFL_PCI : drivers/fpga/dfl-pci.c # in 4.19–4.20, 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb pci 8086 bcc1 .... .... ...... : CONFIG_FPGA CONFIG_FPGA_DFL_PCI : drivers/fpga/dfl-pci.c # in 4.19–4.20, 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb pci 8086 bcce 8086 138d ...... : CONFIG_FPGA CONFIG_FPGA_DFL_PCI : drivers/fpga/dfl-pci.c # in 6.9–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb pci 8086 bcce 8086 1770 ...... : CONFIG_FPGA CONFIG_FPGA_DFL_PCI : drivers/fpga/dfl-pci.c # in 6.1–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb pci 8086 bcce 8086 1771 ...... : CONFIG_FPGA CONFIG_FPGA_DFL_PCI : drivers/fpga/dfl-pci.c # in 6.1–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb pci 8086 bcce 8086 17d4 ...... : CONFIG_FPGA CONFIG_FPGA_DFL_PCI : drivers/fpga/dfl-pci.c # in 6.1–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb pci 8086 bccf 8086 1770 ...... : CONFIG_FPGA CONFIG_FPGA_DFL_PCI : drivers/fpga/dfl-pci.c # in 6.1–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb pci 8086 bccf 8086 1771 ...... : CONFIG_FPGA CONFIG_FPGA_DFL_PCI : drivers/fpga/dfl-pci.c # in 6.1–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb pci 8086 bccf 8086 17d4 ...... : CONFIG_FPGA CONFIG_FPGA_DFL_PCI : drivers/fpga/dfl-pci.c # in 6.1–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
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