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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_GPIO_104_IDIO_16
Enables GPIO support for the ACCES 104-IDIO-16 family (104-IDIO-16, 104-IDIO-16E, 104-IDO-16, 104-IDIO-8, 104-IDIO-8E, 104-IDO-8). The base port addresses for the devices may be configured via the base module parameter. The interrupt line numbers for the devices may be configured via the irq module parameter.
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module gpio-104-idio-16 CONFIG_GPIO_104_IDIO_16 : drivers/gpio/Kconfig : "ACCES 104-IDIO-16 GPIO support" # in 4.4–4.20, 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb platform "104-idio-16" : CONFIG_GPIO_104_IDIO_16 : drivers/gpio/gpio-104-idio-16.c # in 4.4–4.6
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