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CONFIG_GPIO_MAX732X: MAX7319, MAX7320-7327 I2C Port Expanders

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_GPIO_MAX732X:

Help text

Say yes here to support the MAX7319, MAX7320-7327 series of I2C Port Expanders. Each IO port on these chips has a fixed role of Input (designated by 'I'), Push-Pull Output ('O'), or Open-Drain Input and Output (designed by 'P'). The combinations are listed below:

8 bits: max7319 (8I), max7320 (8O), max7321 (8P), max7322 (4I4O), max7323 (4P4O)

16 bits: max7324 (8I8O), max7325 (8P8O), max7326 (4I12O), max7327 (4P12O)

Board setup code must specify the model to use, and the start number for these GPIOs.



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