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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_GPIO_TPS65219
Select this option to enable GPIO driver for the TPS65219 chip family. GPIO0 is statically configured as either input or output prior to Linux boot. It is used for MULTI_DEVICE_ENABLE function. This setting is statically configured by NVM. GPIO0 can't be used as a generic GPIO. It's either a GPO when MULTI_DEVICE_EN=0 or a GPI when MULTI_DEVICE_EN=1.
This driver can also be built as a module. If so, the module will be called gpio_tps65219.
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module gpio-tps65219 CONFIG_GPIO_TPS65219 : drivers/gpio/Kconfig : "TPS65219 GPIO" # in 6.5–6.14
lkddb platform "tps65219-gpio" : CONFIG_GPIOLIB CONFIG_GPIO_TPS65219 : drivers/gpio/gpio-tps65219.c # in 6.5–6.14
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