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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_GPIO_TPS68470
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_GPIO_TPS68470:
Select this option to enable GPIO driver for the TPS68470 chip family. There are 7 GPIOs and few sensor-related GPIOs supported by the TPS68470. While the 7 GPIOs can be configured as input or output as appropriate, the sensor related GPIOs are "output only" GPIOs.
The configuration item CONFIG_GPIO_TPS68470:
Select this option to enable GPIO driver for the TPS68470 chip family. There are 7 GPIOs and few sensor-related GPIOs supported by the TPS68470. While the 7 GPIOs can be configured as input or output as appropriate, the sensor related GPIOs are "output only" GPIOs.
This driver config is bool, as the GPIO functionality of the TPS68470 must be available before dependent drivers are loaded.
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module gpio-tps68470 CONFIG_GPIO_TPS68470 : drivers/gpio/Kconfig : "TPS68470 GPIO" # in 5.18–5.19, 6.0–6.14
lkddb platform "tps68470-gpio" : CONFIG_GPIOLIB CONFIG_GPIO_TPS68470 : drivers/gpio/gpio-tps68470.c # in 4.14–4.20, 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.14
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