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CONFIG_HOSTFS: Host filesystem

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_HOSTFS has multiple definitions:

Host filesystem found in arch/um/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_HOSTFS:

Help text

While the User-Mode Linux port uses its own root file system for booting and normal file access, this module lets the UML user access files stored on the host. It does not require any network connection between the Host and UML. An example use of this might be:

mount none /tmp/fromhost -t hostfs -o /tmp/umlshare

where /tmp/fromhost is an empty directory inside UML and /tmp/umlshare is a directory on the host with files the UML user wishes to access.

For more information, see

If you'd like to be able to work with files stored on the host, say Y or M here; otherwise say N.

Host filesystem found in arch/um/

The configuration item CONFIG_HOSTFS:

Help text

While the User-Mode Linux port uses its own root file system for booting and normal file access, this module lets the UML user access files stored on the host. It does not require any network connection between the Host and UML. An example use of this might be:

mount none /tmp/fromhost -t hostfs -o /tmp/umlshare

where /tmp/fromhost is an empty directory inside UML and /tmp/umlshare is a directory on the host with files the UML user wishes to access.

For more information, see

If you'd like to be able to work with files stored on the host, say Y or M here; otherwise say N.



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